Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ethiopia: 10 000 volunteers for Meles' funeral

About 10 000 volunteers will be deployed to coordinate the funeral of late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on Sunday.

Meles died last week on Monday in Belgium due to an undisclosed illness and will be buried in the capital Addis Ababa.

A committee tasked with organising the state funeral said the volunteers were drawn from various youth associations in the country and they would work closely with security forces.

One million people are expected to attend ceremonies that would begin at Meskel Square and in various parts of the country.

Thousands of tents and districts halls would be used for the farewell ceremony, which would be beamed live on big screens in major towns.

A number of people continue to pour into Meles' palace to pay their last respects.

The state broadcaster suspended normal programming to accommodate live coverage of activities at the palace.

Many Ethiopians credit Meles for the rapid improvements in Ethiopia's economy.

At least 20 African leaders are expected to attend the burial.


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