Friday, August 31, 2012

Meles funeral could turn into a violent riot – analysis

Ethiopian security chief Getachew, Addis Ababa police chief Hassen Shifa, and EDF chief of staff Samora are very concerned that the mass funeral attendance might get exploited by “anti peace forces” to turn it into “uncontrollable” pandemonium. 

Samora’s solution to such eventuality is to flood Addis with close to one division elite army recently mobilized from the country’s tense region in the north. Snipers are stationed at every available high rising building in the city to kill any suspected person instantly. 

It is believed that more than a dozen head of states will attend Meles’ funeral and most countries will be represented by their foreign ministers and resident ambassadors. 

If everything goes according plan, Addis Abeba –being the second most diplomat populated capital of the world, will enable funeral organizers to boost that Meles’ funeral will be breaking World Genius records for being attended by most diplomats from around the world. 

There is high risk that comes with such ambitious events i.e., securing the safety of the head of states , delegates and citizens. 

The organizers are striving to break the record held by Egypt’s Anwar Sadat’s funeral that was attended by millions of Egyptians and record number of delegations from around the world. 

If Ethiopia’s security officials’ fear got materialized, TPLF regime and Meles will be laid to rest on the same ground on that fateful Sunday!


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