Tuesday, September 4, 2012

China Announces $23 Million Loan to Ethiopia

The Chinese Government has facilitated a grant and soft loan totaling 23 million US dollars to support development activities in Ethiopia announced Vice Premier Hui Liangyu.

The loan arrangement was announced after the Chinese delegation led by Vice Premier Hui Liangyu held talks with Hailemariam Dessalegn, acting Prime Minister yesterday.

The loan is planned to support the development activities in Ethiopia and is part of Chinese efforts to further intensify the long-standing bi-lateral ties between the two countries noted Hui Liangyu.China plans to enhance its support on various fronts including the economic and diplomatic spheres as well as facilitating the transfer of science and technology he added. 

China is a strong and true partner in Ethiopia’s efforts to transform the national economy from an agriculture led economy to and industrial economy according to Hailemariam. Ethiopia is also committed to enhancing bi-lateral relations with China and is appreciative of the current loan arrangement he said.

The Chinese Vice-Premier expressed the condolences of the Chinese Communist Party at the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and wished comfort to his family and the people and government of Ethiopia.

It is to be remembered that Ethiopia and China signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the development of trade between the two countries, in July. 

The agreement stipulated that the nations exchange information on trade policies, investment opportunities, taxation, legislative changes and general national economic status.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency


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