Sunday, September 2, 2012

Obama snubs Ethiopia's late Meles Zenawi by sending low-level delegation to his funeral

President Obama is sending a low-level delegation to attend the funeral of Ethiopia's late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The presidential delegation announced by the White House is led by U.S Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice and includes the American Ambassador to Ethiopia Donald Booth; Johnnie Carson, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, National Security Staff.

US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton attended the funeral of late Ghanaian President who died last July. So why is America not sending the Secretary of State to Ethiopia for the funeral of one of its major allies? The answer can be found in the State Department's annual Report on Human Rights.

Ethiopia's late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was a major U.S. counter-terrorism ally who is credited with economic gains but blamed for human rights abuses. After the passing of the Prime Minister, Obama said Meles deserved recognition for his contributions to his country's development, including "his unyielding commitment to Ethiopia's poor." But Obama also encouraged Ethiopia to enhance its support for democracy and human rights. So with that Obama sends a message to Ethiopia to follow in Ghana's path.


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