Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Berhane GebreKristos met Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Amir Mansour Borqeyee

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister
and foreign minister
Berhene Ghebrekirstos
Borqeyee made the remarks in a meeting with Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Berhane GebreKristos. 

He also expressed Iran's readiness to strengthen cooperation with Ethiopia in various fields based on mutual respect. 

Borqeyee underlined the need for mutual consultations and continued exchange of views between the two countries' officials for further expansion of cooperation and solving regional and international issues. 

GebreKristos, for his part, said Iran and Ethiopia have always had amicable relations, and underlined the positive decision and approach of the Ethiopian government to expansion of ties with Iran. 

Tehran has prioritized promotion of its economic and political ties with the African states and the country is now considered as one of the African Union's strategic partners. 

Iran is also an observing member of the AU and has shown an active presence in previous AU summit meetings.


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